Monday, 13 April 2020

Panic Demic


The global climate at the moment is one of private fear and public ineptitude.
We sit in our homes, worried about the future of our loved ones, our livelihoods, our homes, Incomes and Assets all stand to be collateral in this Virus's path. 
Whilst a great majority of adult humans are happy with a sentiment of “Don’t politicise this, can we leave it alone, its bad enough as it is” I am abjectly opposed to this. NOW is the time to evaluate our governments, our policies, our institutions. THIS is the time to evaluate how well our democracies and our corporate personhood service our humanities, our sociology, our anthropology; When they are ALL so at risk. When the slightest oversight, or neglect, or indifference can swing actual lives in the balance.
When Crisis hits our shores our responses to them are great tools to display where our loyalties lie. Be it war, disease, famine; It's the responses at large from the government, and to an arguably larger measure, the corporations that provide our capitalist fundamentals a market in which to operate. When the time is nigh, and the fate of humanity is being affected on a planet-wide issue, are we all really going to not think about it because its stressful to stay at home and watch netflix? Is putting up with your children on a full time basis so hard as to scupper your ability to disseminate information and think rationally?
Moreover, Is a two party system puppet-show really enough political diversity to keep competition honest, fair and serving the people its electorate are DUTY bound to serve?
Vitriolic, perhaps, but poignant nonetheless. As Privileged members of a first world society, we owe it to every starving, uneducated, diseased, below-the-breadline human caught up in suffering. We should be upstanding on an international level, and hold our societies up to a higher standard than capitalistic profiteering and ignoring social policy until it takes a GLOBAL PANDEMIC to rectify something which has been inevitable since we discovered the ‘germ’ and understood how they propagate.

Let's all take a quick look at how this Social Isolation has affected the world:

- Working from home has been suggested, encouraged, and enacted by the VAST majority of companies. It has become financially viable to allow their employees that freedom, in order for them to not lose out on profitability in these uncertain times.

- People are panicked, afraid that the systems that supply us, the infrastructure that keeps us safe, is looking like its inadequate, and so people have panic bought PPE, the necessities, and its left the elderly out on a dangerous limb. 

-Government response has been varied globally, ranging from disastrous, to over the top. 
There is no precedent, there is “seemingly” no way to prepare for this (we will get into that later*) 

-Privilege is suddenly drawn into question, louder than ever. Got food in the cupboard you realise you aren't ever going to eat, even when an emergency has your food supplies this low. Can't buy pasta, but you STILL aren't going to crack open that tin of chickpeas, no matter how bad things get, we can still trawl the supermarkets and find SOMETHING nicer that that ill-fated tin of lentils. 

-Privilege is highlighted globally, look at places like China, and India- With denser populations, lower standards of education per capita and more lax health and safety practices. Self isolation is not an option for quite a large part of the world right now. Its a scary consequence of inequality (and in my opinion a modern consequence of old-world colonialism, and the global disparity of wealth and quality of life- This is another issue we will get into later, and cover at great length)

-The elderly are put at risk, but old age as a state of being, is being shown to not be as important as we would hope. A suggestion of herd immunity, putting those as young as 45+ on a “sacrifice for our economies sake” - this is a chopping block that makes any politician ready to make a cut seem like the devil himself. Sure our grandparents had a good innings, but are you really ready to sacrifice their lives to the gods of capitalism?

-The importance of infrastructure operators has become clear. Amazon warehouse workers, couriers, fast food operators, gas station employees, supermarket shelf-stackers, hospitality suddenly seems like the greatest luxury, coffee, ice cream, trips to the arts. All impossible now, and yet first on the list of things to do when this is all over. Suddenly, without them, the world seems inoperable. Yet the world over, they go underpaid, unappreciated, treated like shit by the consumer and the fruits of their labour, the sweat from their brow; ALL filtered to the top of the ladder, to sit top heavy with all the gain, profit and success sitting in the pockets of a few. A few who are happy to keep marginalised the working class- that is the state of being for MOST of the modern world, MOST of your peers. THE VAST MAJORITY OF HUMANITY; Workers.


A home office was never a bad idea, if it can be done, then why not let it be done?
Reduction of traffic certainly makes the school run easier, but it also has the added benefit of reducing an individual's carbon footprint. If companies were happier to recruit people to work from their studies, their living rooms, or even their laptop via coffee shop wouldn’t they have a wider pool of people to get talent from? That pool could include people with disabilities, raging far a wide, who struggle getting to and from an office. It could help those with social difficulties, physical obstacles needn’t be overcome. This is the age of the internet, most of us are blessed enough with an internet connection that has the world at our fingertips. Computing power has never been easier and as cheap to come by, so why not let people tackle their workloads from their OWN workstation.

Now of COURSE not every industry can be transitioned so easily, and some never will be able to. Childcare, healthcare and other public services still require a physicality to their work, but administration, data entry. Hell even customer service could be offered from a mobile phone. There are countries out there that have broken experimental ground, trialing various forms of work from home; From visit the office once a week to touch base, to a complete office style setup on a desk at the workers domicile.
The results have been astounding, and capitalists with their million strong workforces wouldn't want you to realise the reality:


It almost makes the mind boggle in disbelief. We are after all an indoctrinated generation or three that have had capitalism, and its propaganda spoon fed to us like sugar from our very inception. School teaches us to be career minded, parents set examples of hard work and professional development. The media sells us our hearts desires at every turn, and for those who can't afford it, it trains the mind and heart to want what it cant have. Our dreams can only be bought, and the money can only be earnt through a ‘real’ job. One with benefits, holiday pay, and a company car (with tax deductible mileage).

Instead paint this picture for yourself:

Your company knows that you are more productive when you are happy. They ask only for a 4 day work week, but offer a ‘market average salary’ So you aren't getting paid any less for being part time. You are an early riser, and after all the kids need organising for school. If you don't do it, who will? You get the kids dressed, fed and ready for school. By this point you’ve already read your work inbox, the weekends emails weren’t left unattended, because you clocked in two hours, helping out with an organisational disaster that HAD to be addressed immediately. Hey you don't care, your company respects your time, so you appreciate them enough to have worked on one of your three days off. Only a couple of hours after all, don't need much focused attention to be productive. Thankfully, even though is a monday, your Inbox looks free from the accumulated stress that gathers over a weekend without attention.
You take the kids to school for 9. Traffic isnt too bad and you get home for 9:30, but you clocked in at 7am on the toilet reading your emails. No one checks every minute of your attendance, they check every moment of your work. They care about targets, customer satisfaction, service standards and product delivery. You dont have to stand in line for a 9-5 shifts to get that done, after all you have a flair for what you do since you found the freedom of this new employer.
Kids dropped off, the smell of brewing coffee in the air as you put on your good shirt for the skype conference call. Standard monday protocol, speak with supervisors, receive weekly targets, expectations of labour from you.
Monday was easy, Wednesday was harder. Your kid caught a cold, and is feeling self pitying. So you’ve got an articulate 7 year old asking you questions while you work. Not to worry, get him tucked in on the couch in front of the T.V and move to the desk in the study (you set it up when you got the job, intending to spend 9-5 there every day, but have yet to put your laptop back on the desk from when you got up for a glass of wine three weeks ago while doing a late night number crunch) Kids being looked after by its parent, you are still at work. WIN-WIN right, aside from the periodic distraction. No worse than that leaving party/ birthday cake/ person in the office you cannot STAND, but would never be rude to for the sake of your professionalism. Lets be honest, i can’t be the only one here who found that offices operate on highschool policy. Gossip, cliques and demands of tucking your shirt in, and putting a tie on by your superiors.
We don't need any of the above to be productive at a given task, and their absences actually keep you on task. 
Not to even touch on the idea of people with social difficulties, like anxiety, that can cripple ‘office integration’ How many people are out there, miserable in their job. Not feeling included, appreciated or even recognised as being a hard worker…..all because they don't have the self confidence to join people on a works night out loosely veiled as a team building exercise

Now not everyone can work from home, so let's throw another hypothetical out there, that can benefit everyone. Universal basic income. Hell lets even try the 4 day working week.
I can’t touch on those issues in this document, as they open the rabbit hole of “military spending vs social care budgets” and they involve numbers that, quite frankly, scare the living shit out of me. Your government does not care about you, it does not provide for you, it concedes that you are a life and deserve to not starve or die of disease, but that's about as far as most government policies go with regard to caring about you as an individual. That's why the need to care for one another rests with us, in community and society.

The market just collapsed. Not the big one run by legalised criminals on wall ST, but the markets round the corner from your house. The people who run shops, the corporations that run supermarkets. Now they cant get products on their shelves as fast as some people want to hoard them. If we use my GCSE level business Diploma (I got a double B grade, so i atleast comprehend what i studied) We can break down whats happened here:

-Market demand shifted due to socio-economic stimulus
-Retailers stock was purchased with higher demand, reflecting that stimulus (Covid panic)
- Retailers were unable to restock in accordance to demand
-Demand does not shift, Retailers missing out on sales
-Product manufacturers rush to meet orders, but productions is too fined tuned to adjust quickly
-Manufacturers take back orders
-Retailers cannot restock
-Customers attend markets with empty shelves, go to next market with a more fearful demeanour
-Pasta, Toilet paper, Hand sanitiser, MEDICAL PPE surge in rarity.
-Scarcity increases value


-Manufacturers ramp up production, and spend capital to do so be it in new machines or staff overtime
-Manufacturer increase price to reflect capital spent on production levels 
-Markets increase retail prices to cover cost of higher purchase price
-Customer cannot believe that they are paying a $1 Extra for toilet paper
-Fear, demand, outrage surge.

Now what does capitalism, and its free markets offer us right now? I didn’t panic buy pasta, and now i cant eat pasta. No biggie, first world problem. I didn’t panic buy TP, and now im worried when i run out i might not actually be able to find any. Again, no biggie first world problem (albeit one that sorta nudges us back toward 3rd world issues- not being able to cleanly and safely handle faecal matter) But still, we carry on. Medical equipment has been distributed poorly, and now the public are using something incorrectly, and medical staff are -without exaggeration or melorama- catching a disease and DYING. Ok this ones pretty bad, if our healthcare professionals are dying of what people bring into the hospital, the hospital is unsafe and theres no safe place left when it comes to disease. Thats a BIG problem, a REALLY big one, and its a problem that developed nations eradicated in 1847 when Ignaz Semmelweis proposed hand sanitation (washing) before surgery. This pandemic has our eldery worried, our doctors dying and our whole nation indoors waiting for the all clear. 


In the admittedly scant research i have done for this document, trawling the internet for articles on universal income, 4 day working weeks, and the impact of working from home jobs, I realised that many of its purported downsides harm the market, not us. I do not know you, but i’d wager that you wake up 5/7th’s of your days to do something that makes you a WAGE while you see the PROFIT go to someone else. I’d wager you sit in traffic, for at least 30 mins.  I’d wager you don't have enough time for yourself, or your family.
I do not know you, but i know you are not a capitalistic system. I know you are not a profit margin. I know you are not a portfolio. I know you are not a board of investors.

You are a goddamned human being. You deserve better. I know that because ‘better’ has been in the hands of humanity for centuries. Certain governments are doing things differently, not that your newspaper would let you in on that secret, they would much rather you sit in a dark room listening to a fella called Dave tell you they are all controlled by Jews, or lizard men. FEAR THE NEW WORLD ORDER!!
Or, draw your blinds and let the sunlight in. While you are at it, draw back the ideas of nationalism and borders you are so comfortable with. Look to examples set by other nations, other nations that are forgotten about and ignored whilst their currency strengthens and their citizens get happier. To be clear, i'm talking about Finalnds Female cabinet. Im talking about some of the experiments of universal basic income. Im talking about socialist healthcare (like england used to have) But what im really talking about here, SHOULD be a founding principle for any nation founded by humanity.


When it comes to who's to blame for this catastrophe's death toll, is a hard answer to give. Im going to take a crack at it. Its US.

We let the media go unaccounted, free from fact check and without consequence of lies for centuries.
We let our politics be handed over to the next man, to our MP (who we dont write or call, or even know the name of) We never even KNEW about local council meetings, let alone show up to them and give the voice of the people a seat in the room.
We let our political parties forget us, and in-fight like rival private school boys at a rowing event.
We let the people who have power and influence in our society be those who already have power and influence.
We let the rich get richer, and the poor get marginalised and oppressed.
We let the wealth float to the top.

In reality, its the media's fault for letting the citizens be entertained instead of informed. Its the media's fault for parading puppet shows to us dressed as political debate, and its our fault for believing it and not fighting it hard enough. 


This virus stopped the world in its tracks, and we can see which governments have got their pants down. The U.K is mid-way through a decade long plan to leave a regulating body of politics (the EU) to make the rules up as it goes along (like it always used to before that bloody EU showed up and spoilt the fun) So that they can maintain and attract business as a tax-dodging haven for corporations, all the while butchering one of the greatest global achievements of socialist policy: The NHS. They take those chopped up bits and sell them to American pharma companies so the stiff upper lips can be as stinking rich as the Wall streeters across the pond. I might be delusional, misguided or just have done one too many drugs, but that's how these roses smell to me. Complete horseshit. 

The NHS cannot handle this, it could not handle it on a good day. As we stay at home to flatten a curve that will be sharp enough to cut regardless, let's just remember the austerity, the budget cuts, the lack of pay rises. Lets not forget the privatisation of the Railways, the Royal Mail and lets not pretend we aren't watching THE EXACT SAME THING happen again. 

The death toll in England is in a word Unacceptable. We should not accept this was inevitable because we are in a global crisis. Not every country acted the same, not every country went heavy handed, not every country was fair to its citizens. From suggestions of ‘herd immunity’ in one place to welding peoples doors in another, this has made governments show their true colours. 
These colours are the shades that illustrate our leaders when they have NO CHOICE but to wake up, and serve their populace. Scott Morrison tried to ignore the bushfires while he holidayed. With covid, he has a different fire under his arse. No shock to see people are slightly more impressed with him now he's in public every day, on stage giving us updates. Lets talk about leaders who matter, and who saved human lives. Hearts still beating in chests. Kids who still have grandparents.

New Zealand's response was Life saving. As was Germanies. Take a look at what their governments DID while others DID NOT, and ask yourself the next time this happens (and it will) do you want to hear about how Jeremy corbyn will introduce 3d printers to each hospital, and upload a database of blueprints for things like ventilators. Do you want to hear about bernie sanders and how much better Joe Biden will be to defeat trump, or do you want to kick the fucking circus out of the halls of democracy so that the people can adress their real concerns. Global disaster management. Disease control, Disaster response, Flood alleviation. Every government has to plan for emergency, but theres a big problem:


If we take a cursory look at market dynamics, it doesn't take a genius to see that buying lots of things ‘in case of emergency’ and putting them in a glass frame doesn't really make anyone much money. Its a one off purchase of specialist equipment and once its done, all that's left to do is pay staff to ‘be ready’ and pay rent for a property to act as a warehouse for your vials of vaccine, or food rations, or sandbags and humvees.
The incentive is only as strong as the public's demand for care.

How much should you care? How much do you care about your grandparents? Is it ok for them to be told they may die, because our economy is too important to collapse.
How much should you care? How much do you care about your job? Is it ok for your boss to go out of business because the property mogul that leases the property to him still demands rent, even though the government has ordered him to cease trading?
How much should you care? How much do you care for paying your taxes, whilst billionaires ignore yearly tax bills large enough to fund HOSPITALS and SCHOOLS single handedly, All the while asking for handouts of -our- (yes its OUR tax money) to pay their employees (thats you, and those like you) because they cant dip into their pockets from their private islands and mega yachts (Not a joke, go read Sir R. Bransons wiki page).

This world is slipping into Amorality for the sake of profit, and has near as dammit hit the truest depths of it. We are there now, where human life is a cost for the maintenance of the economy. 
We are there now, as people are being exposed to a quite deadly virus and HAVING to continue work. Doctors, nurses and supermarket employees, what an odd list of heros to save our almost destroyed lifestyles.
Be under no illusions, the centre for disease control, the WHO and other learned professionals with experience in this sort of thing have been speaking to politicians, or trying to, for years, since the turn of this century a global pandemic has been regularly in the news cycle. Sars, Swine flu, Bird flu. Did we all forget this happens? Were we all so complacent to imagine we wouldn't be hit, wouldn't be at risk?

If i were a government employee, and part of my job was to listen to a professional talk to me about risk management, i’d show up to the meeting at the very least. That is a decency some of our world leaders don't find important. So whilst The government Ignores, and Capitalists couldn't care less, lets take up our job we've neglected for so long; Lets become politically aware again. Lets make sure the next time a virus mutates and becomes a global issue, that we don't have to put a list of people on a list not important enough to save. Lets speak to our governments and put across that we are in need of better healthcare. Let us Occupy Wallstreet again, Let us occupy banks, let us occupy the markets with the notion we will not let billionaires dodge tax, its their ONE duty to the rest of humanity. Once tax is paid they can go do whatever they like on their islands and yachts and holiday homes in the french alps. (not that they can be trusted).

You think this is hard?

Some countries don't educate their people as well as yours does. Some peoples governments are tyrannical and oppressive. Some people dont know what the hell a germ or virus is, let alone understand it well enough to imagine it. You might run out of toilet paper, but you are one of the blessed few who has plumbing to at least take the shit away when you are finished with it. You are able to purchase food whenever you want. You might not be able to go on holiday, you might have even lost some money to a travel company, but you can go out and buy food. Might not be pasta, might not be the ‘good bread’ but you will not know true hunger. You are likely in a home with a T.V, Electricity and running water. In your bubble of unappreciated splendor you are the wealthiest of kings to some people right now. 
I listened to the screams of the Wukong apartment blocks at night, as the crying masses wept for their dying loved ones, welded shut into their homes like a prison.
I watched the men in the streets of Mumbai be whipped across the back with broom handles, from police on speeding motorcycles, with enough force to fracture vertebra. 
African police had returned to a 3metre long whip, an implement banned in 1989, to corral people into their homes like cattle.
It is easy to sit here and write about that it is wrong, it is not easy to provide a solution to pandemic disease and novel viruses. But it is also quite easy to PREPARE for things, and to come together internationally and help one another to have plans in place. It does however remain hard for humans to learn from our past it seems. 

When did we decide we were done with the struggle?

Nothing in life is free, thats the mantra of the century. Nothing is given that isn't fought for was its more medieval counterpart. Protest and revolution seems to have stopped in the english speaking world, and im not sure why because whilst our evil isn’t as tyrannical as, say, an african warlord, or as oppressive as the Chinese version of communism, it is truer it in evil. It is purer. Well educated, presumably self and socially aware individuals are, on a daily basis, making decisions that line their pockets, sabotage democracy and endanger lives. To me, that is true evil. To know that your actions are wrong, and to do them anyway, especially at the expense of others. The warlords and the communists and the tyrannical and the oppressors may believe their way is right, that there is no other way to unify and control their people to keep them in line. Perhaps the ruling class believe that of you too. Perhaps low wages, council budget cuts, declining standards of education, privatisation and subsequent cost increase of national institutions ARE the only way to keep you in line. Perhaps if you were TOO happy, you would find the energy to become aware of the lies, the deceit and the infighting that is most of our shared political climate.

Now we see, that the heroes of capitalism are no heroes of ours. When humanity needs help, they ask for it too. When workers lose jobs, those heros join the queue with their hands out, unironically taking bonuses and reporting profits, paying no taxes. The wealthy are your enemy, not to be fought or combated, but to be allowed to live in peace while they die out. Lets not let people become millionaires anymore, lets make salary caps, lets make sure that we can ALL benefit from the progress humanity has made.

When all this is over, and we claw our way back to what we pretend is normal with a global depression, can we at least pretend for just one day that we care that its all gone wrong?

This has been hard to write, and i have to finish here before i start trying to rally troops to incite a riot. Rest well on an evening, find peace if you still can, because true chaos is coming for you and if you don't fight with it, it’ll become normal again. We are all going to need our strength.

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